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    19 Products
    • BeachBound

      USD 47.00 USD 47.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 47.00
      • Price : USD 47.00
      • Model : Fruits Mug no.2 - Podo Pearl
      • Overview : Fruit Mug is a light mug made by transforming the shapes of melons and grapes into beachbound moods, respectively.
        The handle grip in the shape of the fruit tap is unique and comfortable to hold.
        Hand-made results in various firing results for each product, and there may be glaze flow, fine cracks in the handle, pin marks, and spray smudges.
        The small hole under the handle is a breathing hole to prevent bursting when firing the kiln, and may make a sound.
        Dishwasher or microwave is available and may be damaged when using the oven.
    • BeachBound

      USD 47.00 USD 47.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 47.00
      • Price : USD 47.00
      • Model : Fruits Mug no.2 - Melon Pearl
      • Overview : Fruit Mug is a light mug made by transforming the shapes of melons and grapes into beachbound moods, respectively.
        The handle grip in the shape of the fruit tap is unique and comfortable to hold.
        Hand-made results in various firing results for each product, and there may be glaze flow, fine cracks in the handle, pin marks, and spray smudges.
        The small hole under the handle is a breathing hole to prevent bursting when firing the kiln, and may make a sound.
        Dishwasher or microwave is available and may be damaged when using the oven.
    • BeachBound

      USD 45.00 USD 45.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 45.00
      • Price : USD 45.00
      • Model : Fruits Mug no.1 - Podo Purple
      • Overview : - 프루츠 머그는 각각 메론, 포도의 쉐이프를 비치바운드 무드로 변형하여 제작한 경쾌한 머그 입니다.
        - 과일 꼭지 모양의 손잡이 그립감이 독특하며 편안하게 쥘 수 있습니다.
        - 메론과 포도를 상상한 컬러를 스프레이 했으며 농도와 모양은 일정하지 않습니다.
        - 수작업 제작으로 제품마다 다양한 소성 결과가 나타나게 되며 유약의 흐름, 손잡이 미세 갈라짐, 핀자국, 스프레이 번짐 등이 보일 수 있습니다.
        - 손잡이 밑 작은 구멍은 가마 소성시 터짐 방지를 위한 숨구멍이며 소리가 날 수 있습니다.
        - 식기세척기, 전자레인지 사용이 가능하며 오븐 사용시 파손 될 수 있습니다.
    • BeachBound

      USD 45.00 USD 45.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 45.00
      • Price : USD 45.00
      • Model : Fruits Mug no.1 - Melon Green
      • Overview : - 프루츠 머그는 각각 메론, 포도의 쉐이프를 비치바운드 무드로 변형하여 제작한 경쾌한 머그 입니다.
        - 과일 꼭지 모양의 손잡이 그립감이 독특하며 편안하게 쥘 수 있습니다.
        - 메론과 포도를 상상한 컬러를 스프레이 했으며 농도와 모양은 일정하지 않습니다.
        - 수작업 제작으로 제품마다 다양한 소성 결과가 나타나게 되며 유약의 흐름, 손잡이 미세 갈라짐, 핀자국, 스프레이 번짐 등이 보일 수 있습니다.
        - 손잡이 밑 작은 구멍은 가마 소성시 터짐 방지를 위한 숨구멍이며 소리가 날 수 있습니다.
        - 식기세척기, 전자레인지 사용이 가능하며 오븐 사용시 파손 될 수 있습니다.
    • BeachBound

      USD 42.00 USD 42.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 42.00
      • Price : USD 42.00
      • Model : BB Pinching Mug - Pearl
      • Overview : - 핀칭 기법으로 하나씩 만든 비치바운드 머그 입니다.
        - 각각 크기와 형태가 다르며 무게감이 있습니다.
        - BB 핀칭 머그 위에 펄 유약을 덧발라 삼벌 소성한 제품 입니다.
        - 펄 유약은 원재료 제조업체에 따라 컬러감이 랜덤하게 표현 될 수 있으며 펄 컬러로 칠해져 붓 자국이나 핀 자국, 유약의 흐름이 보일 수 있습니다.
        - 펄 컬러로 칠해진 제품은 전자렌지 사용이 불가하며 거칠게 세척시 칠이 벗겨질 수 있으니 부드러운 스펀지로 세척해주세요.
        - 식기세척기 사용 가능합니다.

        Size : 약 H8 x Ø7cm
    • BeachBound

      USD 27.00 USD 27.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 27.00
      • Price : USD 27.00
      • Model : Splatter Pasta Dish - Blue/Red
      • Overview : -Pasta size dish splashed with ceramic paint.It is finished with matte glaze, and the shape of the color pattern sprayed manually is not constant for each product.
        - There is a difference in painting concentration according to the production time after manual color preparation.
        - Glaze clumps, tongs, and bubble marks may stand out compared to glossy products, so if you are sensitive, please avoid purchasing them.
        -Pottery materials can be used in dishwashers and microwaves, and may be damaged when using ovens.
    • BeachBound

      USD 27.00 USD 27.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 27.00
      • Price : USD 27.00
      • Model : Splatter Pasta Dish - Carrot
      • Overview : -Pasta size dish splashed with ceramic paint.It is finished with matte glaze, and the shape of the color pattern sprayed manually is not constant for each product.
        - There is a difference in painting concentration according to the production time after manual color preparation.
        - Glaze clumps, tongs, and bubble marks may stand out compared to glossy products, so if you are sensitive, please avoid purchasing them.
        -Pottery materials can be used in dishwashers and microwaves, and may be damaged when using ovens.
    • BeachBound

      USD 26.00 USD 26.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 26.00
      • Price : USD 26.00
      • Model : Circle Incense Holder - Mint
      • Overview : - 비치바운드 써클 화이트 컬러 인센스 홀더에 유리 결정 유약을 바른 인센스 홀더 입니다.
        - 수작업으로 바른 유리 결정은 고온에 녹아 내리며 랜덤하게 표현 됩니다.
        - 나무대가 있는 인센스 스틱용으로 선향 사용도 가능하지만 제품에 따라 구멍 크기가 다를 수 있습니다.
        - 제작 특성상 패턴은 각각 다르며 이는 불량 사유가 되지 않습니다.
        - 수작업 제작 제품으로 크기와 형태가 일정하지 않으며 바닥면에 미세한 갈라짐이 있을 수 있습니다.
        - 사용 후 물에 헹궈 세척이 가능합니다.

        Size : 약 Ø9cm
    • BeachBound

      USD 26.00 USD 26.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 26.00
      • Price : USD 26.00
      • Model : Circle Incense Holder - Floral
      • Overview : - 비치바운드 써클 화이트 컬러 인센스 홀더에 유리 결정 유약을 바른 인센스 홀더 입니다.
        - 수작업으로 바른 유리 결정은 고온에 녹아 내리며 랜덤하게 표현 됩니다.
        - 나무대가 있는 인센스 스틱용으로 선향 사용도 가능하지만 제품에 따라 구멍 크기가 다를 수 있습니다.
        - 제작 특성상 패턴은 각각 다르며 이는 불량 사유가 되지 않습니다.
        - 수작업 제작 제품으로 크기와 형태가 일정하지 않으며 바닥면에 미세한 갈라짐이 있을 수 있습니다.
        - 사용 후 물에 헹궈 세척이 가능합니다.

        Size : 약 Ø9cm
    • BeachBound

      USD 26.00 USD 26.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 26.00
      • Price : USD 26.00
      • Model : Circle Incense Holder - No.2
      • Overview : - Beachbound Circle White Color Insensee Holder with glass crystal glaze.The glass crystals applied manually melt at high temperatures and are expressed randomly.
        - You can also use incense sticks with wooden poles, but the size of the holes may vary depending on the product.
        - It is a handmade product, and the size and shape are not constant, and there may be minor cracks on the floor.
        - It can be washed by rinsing in water after use.
      • Product Summary : Approx. 10cm diameter / About 10cm in diameter
    • BeachBound

      USD 26.00 USD 26.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 26.00
      • Price : USD 26.00
      • Model : Circle Incense Holder - No.1
      • Overview : This is an insensory holder with glass crystal glaze on the beachbound circle white color insensory holder.Hand-painted glass crystals melt at high temperatures and are expressed randomly.
        It is also possible to use a sun incense stick for an insense stick with a wooden stand, but the hole size may vary depending on the product.
        It is a handmade product, and its size and shape are not constant, and there may be small cracks on the floor.
        After use, you can rinse it in water and wash it.
      • Product Summary : Approx. 10cm diameter / About 10cm in diameter
    • BeachBound

      USD 24.00 USD 24.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 24.00
      • Price : USD 24.00
      • Model : Floral Mug no.1 - Multi
      • Overview : - 예쁘게 말린 꽃잎 이미지들이 전사된 비치바운드 다이너 머그입니다.
        - 기포와 수분으로 인해 약간의 그래픽 이미지 터짐이 보일 수 있습니다.
        - 디지털 전사지를 머그 곡면에 손으로 하나씩 붙여 제작했으며 제품별 컬러감, 말림 현상의 차이가 있습니다. (랜덤발송)
        - 세척시 부드러운 스펀지 사용을 권장하며 거칠게 세척하거나 식기세척기 이용시 그래픽 이미지가 긁힐 수 있으니 주의해주세요

        Size : 약 H9 x W9.5 cm 330ml
    • BeachBound

      USD 24.00 USD 24.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 24.00
      • Price : USD 24.00
      • Model : Seaside Tea Mug - Pearl
      • Overview : - A tea cup with motifs on the beach of a resort.
        - Pearl glaze may be expressed randomly depending on the manufacturer of the raw material.
        - It is painted with pearl color, so you can see brush marks, pin marks, and glaze flow.

        - Products painted with pearl color cannot be used in a microwave oven, and the paint may peel off when washed roughly, so please wash them with a soft sponge.
        - This product can be used in a dishwasher.
    • BeachBound

      USD 23.00 USD 23.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 23.00
      • Price : USD 23.00
      • Model : Splatter Dish - Blue/Orange
      • Overview : - Beachbound dish splashed with ceramic paint.It is finished with matte glaze, and the shape of the color pattern sprayed manually is not constant for each product.
        - There is a difference in painting concentration according to the production time after manual color preparation.
        - Glaze clumps, tongs, and bubble marks may stand out compared to glossy products, so if you are sensitive, please avoid purchasing them.
        -Pottery materials can be used in dishwashers and microwaves, and may be damaged when using ovens.
    • BeachBound

      USD 22.00 USD 22.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 22.00
      • Price : USD 22.00
      • Model : Spiral Incense Holder - Sand Ivory
      • Overview : - 판성형 기법으로 하나씩 수작업 제작한 스파이럴 모양의 인센스 홀더 입니다.
        - Glass 컬러 제품은 유약 특성상 유리 결정이 랜덤하게 표현 됩니다.

        Size : 약 Ø11 x T1cm
    • BeachBound

      USD 22.00 USD 22.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 22.00
      • Price : USD 22.00
      • Model : Splatter Mug - Blue/Orange
      • Overview : - Beachbound mugs splashed with ceramic paint.It is finished with matte glaze, and the shape of the color pattern sprayed manually is not constant for each product.
        - There is a difference in painting concentration according to the production time after manual color preparation.
        - Glaze clumps, tongs, and bubble marks may stand out compared to glossy products, so if you are sensitive, please avoid purchasing them.
        -Pottery materials can be used in dishwashers and microwaves, and may be damaged when using ovens.
    • BeachBound

      USD 22.00 USD 22.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 22.00
      • Price : USD 22.00
      • Model : Circle Incense Holder - White
      • Overview : It is a matte white porcelain insensory holder made of white clay.
        It is also possible to use a sun incense stick for an insense stick with a wooden stand, but the hole size may vary depending on the product.
        It is a handmade product, and its size and shape are not constant, and there may be small cracks on the floor.
        After use, you can rinse it in water and wash it.
      • Product Summary : Approx. 10cm diameter / About 10cm in diameter
    • BeachBound

      USD 21.00 USD 21.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 21.00
      • Price : USD 21.00
      • Model : Splatter Dish - Black
      • Overview : - Beachbound dish splashed with ceramic paint.It is finished with matte glaze, and the shape of the color pattern sprayed manually is not constant for each product.
        - There is a difference in painting concentration according to the production time after manual color preparation.
        - Glaze clumps, tongs, and bubble marks may stand out compared to glossy products, so if you are sensitive, please avoid purchasing them.
        -Pottery materials can be used in dishwashers and microwaves, and may be damaged when using ovens.
    • BeachBound

      USD 20.00 USD 20.00

      • Brand : BeachBound
      • Retail Price : USD 20.00
      • Price : USD 20.00
      • Model : Splatter Mug - Black
      • Overview : - Beachbound mugs splashed with ceramic paint.It is finished with matte glaze, and the shape of the color pattern sprayed manually is not constant for each product.
        - There is a difference in painting concentration according to the production time after manual color preparation.
        - Glaze clumps, tongs, and bubble marks may stand out compared to glossy products, so if you are sensitive, please avoid purchasing them.
        -Pottery materials can be used in dishwashers and microwaves, and may be damaged when using ovens.