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FOCUS ON : Carne Bollente

The Paris-based sexuality brand Carne Boulent originated from the pornographic film The Rise of the Roman Empress, which means "hot meat" in Italian and has this title Carne Bollente.We produce products that pursue sustainability in the rapidly changing fashion industry, and some of the profits are returned to society through donations and developed with a sense of responsibility for the next generation.

I'm curious about Carne Borrent's history.
The brand was founded in 2015 by three founders, Hijiri Endo, Agoston Pink and Theodore Family.
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Source of image: ENDCLOTHING

At first, it started with a joke between friends, so I didn't think it would be introduced at a nice shop like the Heights Store in Seoul someday.A long time ago, while we were thinking about a creative project in a small apartment complex in Paris, we came up with the idea of surprising people by designing T-shirts that were not in the world.The combination of fashion and sex was not difficult for us because we were very interested in topics such as sexual art, queer culture, and LGBTQ+.So we started making T-shirts first, and at first we made them ourselves at a small embroidery shop, distributed them to our friends in Paris, and took interesting pictures.In a short period of time, we got a lot of attention, and as additional items such as shirts, knitwear, jackets and pants increased, our small project became the Carne Borrent we are now.
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Please introduce the items that represent Carne Borrent.
The most iconic item is still an embroidered T-shirt (KISSES FROM PARIS).Every season we work on design based on movies and old historical stories, for example, the Nitpolo product (FEW HARD MEN) used one of the iconic paintings inspired by myths.And this season, I was inspired by a famous movie, and my favorite product is the denim pants (LOVE PANTS)We are trying to spread more love and positive energy these days because we have a lot of unfortunate news such as war and abnormal weather.

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What are the current interests and hobbies of directors?
A very recent hobby is watching programs such as Korean dramas and entertainment.Last week, I spent the weekend watching The Glory's second season!

What's the concept of Carne Borrent's lookbook this season?
This season's title is Souvenir From US.As I spent more time at home due to COVID-19, I thought about spending time with people at home.And I imagined traveling to the place we wanted to find and collecting memories and souvenirs.That's why I applied this story to the lookbook shoot.If you look at the lookbook one by one, you will find various scenes such as tourists from western Europe and Paris, hiking around the world, summer vacation in LA, and love stories in Italy.So I wanted to give the impression that our customers went on a trip with us.
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Do you have any favorite items from this season's products?
It's a collaboration with Tom of Finland.Tom of Finland fought for LGBTQ+ rights and consistently defended gender positivity through his art.As an artist and activist, he not only affirmed his sexual identity as a gay, but also internalized homophobia and sexual guilt, giving these men considerable confidence.Therefore, it was a great honor to collaborate with the Tom of Finland Foundation.

Do you have any styling tips for Tom of Finland collaboration products?
It's not about yourself that others see, but about yourself that I see.Be confident and feel free to try what you like and think is cool!
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Do you have any interesting plans or plans for Carne Borrent?
We are planning various collaboration projects.We can't disclose it yet, but they're all great projects.One of the things we want to do this year is to visit Korea and experience culture, food, fashion, and people!

Lastly, please say a word to those who like Carne Boulent!
We are always encouraged by people who share positive values about sex similar to ours.Thank you for spreading a positive message about sex!
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