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Jichoi Comfort 23FW Pop-up Store

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For two days this weekend, the Zichoi Comfort (@jichoicomfort) will host a pop-up store at the Heights Seogyo Store.Add in discount events and gifts that are only available in pop-up stores to offer clothes that can be worn comfortably anytime, anywhere.

○ Schedule
October 28 (Sat) - October 29 (Sun)

○ Place
Heights Seogyo Store, 395-142 1F, Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul

○ a benefit
01 | 신상품 선발매

02 | 과시즌 상품 일괄 50% 할인

03 | 구매 금액별 GIFT 증정
> Scarves and PVC shopping bags are given to all customers and 40 people on a first-come, first-served basis by day of the week.
> More than 200,000 won, 40 people on a first-come, first-served basis by day of the week will receive eco-bags.
> 300,000 won or more, JICHOI memory bag + handbag + gift shop 10% discount coupon for visiting showroom

* If you purchase more than 300,000 won, all of the above gifts will be given.
* All the colors of the free gift will be randomly given.
* Please note that only scarves + PVC shopping bags + eco bags + coupons will be given when the memory bag and handbag are out of stock.
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